What are your products made of?

We utilize renewable resources such as urban vegetable waste, wild or non-edible plants and non-wood cellulose fibers.

What types of products are you offering?

We offer ready-made products for personal use, which are of plastic origin, namely accessories, related electronics, building materials, interior materials.

What is the difference between NATUROPLASTIX DYNAMICS and other compostable products?

Our edge lies in sustainability, affordability, high functionality, scalability, and certified credibility. Competing alternatives fall short, either polluting, costly, underperforming, unscalable, or uncertified. Our certified, sustainable solutions outperform at competitive prices, uniquely utilizing waste and non-edible plants without impacting the food chain, reducing local waste. This blend of advantages sets us apart!

How long time does it take before the product starts to disintegrate?

Biodegradation rates vary based on factors like moisture, oxygen, heat, and microorganisms, and also on how the product is used. Our films meet both home and industrial composting standards, breaking down within 6 months and 3 months, respectively. However, it's crucial to remember that being biodegradable doesn't justify littering. Our products should not be discarded carelessly in nature.

Can your products biodegrade on the shelf?

No, our products won't biodegrade on the shelf. Biodegradation requires microorganisms, moisture, and warmth to start. Over time, like any material, Naturoplastix items may lose some mechanical properties, but with cool, dark storage, they'll maintain their integrity for a long while, as this prevents biodegradation. Our products have a minimum shelf life of 12 months.

Is the collection of green waste impacting biodiversity and soil vitality?

Urban areas function as unique ecosystems, essentially human-influenced versions of natural agricultural systems, which lack the self-regulating mechanisms found in untouched nature. Thus, human intervention, through practices like green waste collection and the external application of fertilizers, becomes necessary to maintain ecological balance. Given that green waste removal is confined to urban settings—specifically sidewalks and roadways—it's conducted in a manner that safeguards soil health and preserves the vitality of microbial

How scalable is your technology?

Our technology is highly-scalable and cost-efficient to operate, and we are working on the transition from laboratory to industrial scale.

What is the best end of life option for your products?

The optimal way to dispose of our fiber-based products is by recycling them with paper waste, keeping the valuable materials in circulation for new paper products. For our film-based items, composting is the best choice, turning them into nourishing soil fertilizer. Essentially, composting enriches the soil, while recycling transforms valuable materials into new products.

Do you already sell products or technology, maybe licensing?

We are currently advancing from a laboratory-pilot phase towards full-scale industrial production. Presently, our offerings consist of high-quality industrial prototypes, available in limited editions as we perfect our manufacturing process.

Who is the developer of the technology and who owns the property rights?

The creative minds behind NATUROPLASTIX DYNAMICS, while being the innovators and originators of our patents, have entrusted all property rights to NATUROPLASTIX DYNAMICS LTD, ensuring a unified and secure approach to intellectual property management. Presently, our patents remain confidential as they are in the process of securing global protection under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) registration. This strategic move underscores our commitment to safeguarding our innovations while navigating the path toward global recognition and application.

Where do you get raw materials?

Our raw materials are sourced from the urban ecosystems of cities, primarily from parks and sidewalks. The collection is carried out by municipal services or private companies contracted by the cities, ensuring a seamless and responsible procurement process. Our role is to facilitate the efficient utilization of this green waste, transforming it into valuable products and contributing to the city's sustainability efforts.

Where are you located?

Our company is officially registered in Great Britain. Our research center is present in France, China, and the USA.Our laboratory-pilot production is located partly in Great Britain and partly in Western Ukraine.Production of finished products is outsourced from ready-made biocomposite granules in Italy.

Disclaimer & Position Statement

We, at our company, affirm our status as an independent entity, passionately navigating the journey of innovation with the vision of sustainable production at our core. Our endeavors are characterized by a commitment to minimal environmental impact, maximal societal contribution towards eco-awareness, and the fostering of global actions aligned with our sustainability goals.

It is imperative to recognize that our company operates within the constraints of limited resources, yet is propelled by immense potential, unwavering ambition, and a visionary dream. Our operational methodology is adaptive, leveraging our current capabilities and resources in the pursuit of excellence, albeit occasionally diverging from conventional standards. This approach is reflective of our dedication to high-quality work, striving for recognition and validation by the global community.

Our communications, both expressed and published, are predominantly practical-theoretical explorations, inherently dynamic, and subject to continuous evolution. As a startup, our landscape is one of perpetual change, a necessary catalyst for growth and innovation. The publication of our findings and hypotheses serves not only as a platform for societal, customer, and scientific engagement but also as a crucible for development and progress.

The information verified and confirmed by our team is duly presented on our official website. Conversely, theories and hypotheses under refinement are transparently acknowledged as such, inviting open dialogue and constructive critique.

We unequivocally state that our intentions are not to disparage or undermine the reputations of traditional plastic or bioplastic manufacturers. Our mission is to introduce an alternative solution, distinguished by its unique properties and advantages. Our focus remains steadfast on our innovative trajectory, rather than engagement in competitive disparagement.

This position is declarative of our independence and our ethical stance against greenwashing. Any claims contrary to our explicit communication and stated position are, by this declaration, baseless and unfounded. Our commitment is to transparency, integrity, and the advancement of eco-friendly solutions for a sustainable future.