plasticless eyewear made from fallen leaves

Introducing EYELEAF Sunglasses: Embrace Nature's Vision with our groundbreaking plastic-free eyewear, innovatively crafted from fallen leaves.

Through advanced technology, we transform cellulose and lignin found in leaves into a revolutionary biopolymer, creating eyeglass frames that are not only CO2-neutral but also fully biodegradable.

EYELEAF redefines eco-conscious fashion, offering you a way to not just see the world, but to see it more sustainably.

900М PLASTIC sunglasses are used anually

are thrown away



In urban landscapes, fallen leaves, often seen as waste, are in fact a precious resource for EYELEAF Sunglasses. We transform these leaves into the core material for our eco-friendly biocomposite sunglasses, leveraging city-wide leaf collection infrastructures. Fast-regenerating and abundant, leaf fibers provide us with a sustainable, paper-like material, turning potential environmental hazards into stylish, sustainable eyewear.


  • STEP 1

Collection of urban leaves in autumn and their preparation for yearly processing (washing/drying/grinding)

  • STEP 2

Preliminary synthesis of bioplastic primer (a general process that includes the use of other types of biomass)

  • STEP 3

Creation of a premix of bioplastic primer and leaf based “LCNF” for subsequent moulding injection or CNC forming

  • STEP 4

Post-production processing (manual), including polishing, assembly, logo application and packaging

we care about each details

we care about each details

Leveraging the natural palette of leaves, from brown and orange to yellow and green, EYELEAF Sunglasses harnesses this organic diversity to offer uniquely customized eyewear.

This innovative use of leaf pigments sets our glasses apart, making each pair a distinctive, market-leading statement in sustainability and style.

Discover Nature's Palette: The Exclusive EYELEAF Collection

Seeing the Future in Leaves